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smplayer-portable- looping at end

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smplayer-portable- looping at end

Postby brittney24 » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:38 pm

Edit: Oops. Now, also having same issue in 8.5.5481x64 portable, playing same Vista sample vids. Haven't seen the problem w/ THESE vids before.
Tested same vids in VLC 2.0.7 - played fine, so assume it's a setting or problem that developed in SMP.

Extracted portable- into Clean folder in Vista x64. It's looping (bouncing back / forth) right at the very end of some Windows vids, that I've played many times as test files.
Never seen any stable or dev builds do this before.

Tried it w/ both the included mplayer & also replacing w/ mplayer2 - from the SMP / SF d/l site. Both had same problem.
Tried deleting all files & extracting it again - same problem.
Nothing different about any settings / prefs or the way I extracted, then started this build than any of a dozen others (AFAIK). Logs for SMP / mplayer are attached.
smplayer-portable- at end.log
(45.62 KiB) Downloaded 252 times
smplayer-portable- looping at end.log
(3.21 KiB) Downloaded 260 times
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