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Ending SMPlayer Process Not Ending MPlayer & Vice-Versa

Problems, bugs, suggestions... anything related to SMPlayer.

Ending SMPlayer Process Not Ending MPlayer & Vice-Versa

Postby MourningStar » Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:44 pm

New user here. "Sometimes", upon diagonal resize of the SMPlayer during playback of an audio file, SMPlayer functions stop and 'Not Responding' appears next to the window's title. This 'Not Responding' behavior is not all that foreign to other 'Windows' operations/apps and the 'standard' solution in this case is to open the Task Manager and select and end the process labeled 'SMPlayer'. However, I have learned that a process labeled 'MPlayer' remains running. It would be most convenient if this process was ended simultaneously (i.e. at the same time), unless there is a logical reason for it to remain running. I can only think of one, however, please advise. If I end the MPlayer process FIRST, the SMPlayer process remains running, and a OOPS! pop-up displays. I clik the pop-up's OK button and SMPlayer's 'Not Responding' message goes away and SMPlayer is functional again. Very odd behavior if you ask me.

-thank you
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Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:56 pm

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