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rtmp playing with token authorization

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rtmp playing with token authorization

Postby fsymkin52 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:58 am

Hello. I need to play an rtmp stream via mplayer/smplayer. To get access to server I have to push access token in parameter tcurl=...
It works in ffmpeg/ffplay (both "ffplay rtmp://address tcurl=token" and "ffplay -rtmp_tcurl token -i rtmp://address").

mplayer doesn't understand string "rtmp://address tcurl=token", it says "Detected librtmp style URL parameters, these aren't supported by the libavformat internal RTMP handler currently enabled. See the documentation for the correct way to pass parameters.".
There is no information about this problem in mplayer's man. And mplayer doesn't recognize any parameters like -rtmp_tcurl -t -token -tcurl etc...

So how can I play rtmp stream authorizing by access token via mplayer/smplayer?
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