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smplayer disappeared, but still running

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smplayer disappeared, but still running

Postby Kenji » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:10 am

Smplayer disappears. I use the ps command and find it is stilling running ,but the mplayer is gone. the ps command output is like this when smplayer is running well:

kenji 2408 1.5 4.7 262876 42936 ? Sl 09:32 0:27 smplayer
kenji 2425 2.8 1.8 125740 16488 ? Sl 09:33 0:48 /usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv -ao pulse -nokeepaspect -framedrop -nodr -double -input conf=/usr/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 67109215 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -noass -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -nocache -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 /home/kenji/Pimsleur.Japanese/Pimsleur - Japanese II/Pimsleur - Japanese II - Lesson 06.mp3

The smplayer disappears, the ps command out put is like this ( without mplayer running.....)

kenji 2408 1.5 4.7 262876 42936 ? Sl 09:32 0:27 smplayer

Anybody knows how to solve the problem? Is it a bug?

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty
Smplayer :Version: 0.6.9 (SVN r3447)
Using Qt 4.7.2 (compiled with Qt 4.6.2)
Mplayer: Totem Movie Player 2.32.0 Movie Player using GStreamer 0.10.32


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