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Dragging video area is not precise/smooth

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Dragging video area is not precise/smooth

Postby scootergrisen » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:30 am

Not that it matters super much but i noticed if i drag by dragging the video area the window does not move as smooth as if i drag the window by dragging the title bar.

If i drag the title bar i can move the window 1 pixel in any direction but if i drag the video area the window moves a minimum of what looks like 2-4 pixels.
I cant seem to move the window just 1 pixel by dragging the video area.

If i drag the title bar and move the window quickly the motion is smooth. Looks like 30-60 fps or something like that.
But if i drag the video area and move the window quickly the motion looks like the screen refresh rate have been lowered to 10-20 fps or something like that.
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Joined: Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:43 am

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