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Problems On Radio Option

Problems, bugs, suggestions... anything related to SMPlayer.

Problems On Radio Option

Postby Fl@vius » Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:20 pm

Hi people
I was using SMPLayer for listen to radio stations in the option >Open> Radio.
It uses internet links for that
There are some time that I'm not able to use it any more.
All my links returns the follow message:
Even when I try direct from the URL address I get the same response.
Please, is someone facing the same issue?
How to solve that.
the LOG says:
[10:19:03:839] MPVProcess::parseLine: "[ytdl_hook] ERROR: 16534: Failed to parse JSON (caused by ValueError('Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)',)); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output."
[10:19:03:839] Core::displayPlaying
[10:19:03:954] MPVProcess::parseLine: "[ytdl_hook] youtube-dl failed: unexpected error ocurred "
[10:19:03:954] Core::displayPlaying
[10:19:03:954] MPVProcess::parseLine: "Failed to recognize file format."
[10:19:03:954] MPVProcess::parseLine: "Exiting... (Errors when loading file)"
[10:19:04:014] MyProcess::procFinished
[10:19:04:014] MyProcess::procFinished: Bytes available: 0
[10:19:04:014] MPVProcess::processFinished: exitCode: 2, status: 0
[10:19:04:014] MplayerLayer::playingStopped
[10:19:04:014] Screen::playingStopped
[10:19:04:014] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[10:19:04:014] Screen::playingStopped
[10:19:04:014] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[10:19:04:014] Core::enableScreensaver
[10:19:04:014] Core::processFinished
[10:19:04:014] Core::processFinished: we_are_restarting: 0
[10:19:04:014] Core::processFinished: play has finished!
[10:19:04:014] BaseGui::displayState: "Stopped"
[10:19:04:015] DefaultGui::togglePlayAction
[10:19:04:015] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
[10:19:04:015] StateWidget::watchState: 0
[10:19:04:015] Core::processFinished: exit_code: 2
[10:19:04:015] BaseGui::displayState: "Stopped"
[10:19:04:015] DefaultGui::togglePlayAction
[10:19:04:015] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
[10:19:04:015] StateWidget::watchState: 0
[10:19:04:015] BaseGui::showExitCodeFromMplayer: 2
[10:19:04:015] BaseGui::showExitCodeFromMplayer: not displaying error dialog
[10:19:04:016] Playlist::playerFinishedWithError: 2
[10:19:04:016] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
[10:19:04:016] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
[10:19:07:414] BaseGui::showLog

Thank you
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:07 pm

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