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Can Playlist display filenames instead of tags?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 9:59 pm
by Xenos
Hello again,

I know that in the Advanced settings there is "Show tag info in window title" that can be unchecked, so that the actual names of the files can be displayed in the main window.

Unfortunately there is no such setting for the Playlist. If you want to see filenames instead of tags, you have to uncheck "Get info automatically about files added" in Playlist settings. This however causes the duration of all files in the playlist to show "00:00:00" which I believe is something that no user wants.

So, I'd like to ask two questions:

Is there a way to see filenames instead of tags in the playlist, without unchecking "Get info automatically about files added" (so we can see the duration of every file)?

Also, is there a way to edit the tag within SMPlayer (I searched but I couldn't find anything), instead of using another program? Not a big deal, but it would save time...

Thank you very much in advance,

Re: Can Playlist display filenames instead of tags?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:48 pm
by Kitlard
Did this option disappear in some recent update?