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function suggestion: pause playback when exit fullscreen

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:40 pm
by kaitou
i used windows up until approx. 2 years ago and my primary os is now linux.

smplayer imo is the best linux player ive come accross and i have no desire to change to another one, it is infact the only media player i use.

one feature i loved in mpc(media player classic) was, as the title of this post indicates, playback paused when you exited fullscreen.

if this feature could be added to a future itteration of smplayer that would be awesome, not as a default but something that could be toggled in the user preferences dialouge.

i suppose it would be a command like "smplayer -action exit fullscreen -action pause" or something of the like (ive never used smplayer via command line) its not a dealbreaker in any sense, more of a hopeful wish.
