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Problem playing .rm files, win 7 64bit, latest SMPlayer

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:24 pm
by PleaseHelp
I'm on a 64bit win 7 and I'm using smplayer with the following version specifications:
Version: 0.7.1+SVN-r4160 (64-bit)
Using Qt 4.8.0 (compiled with Qt 4.8.0)
Using MPlayer SVN r34818

I'm not being able to play .rm files, although they play with realone player

this is what i'm getting in the log:

Opening video filter: [ass auto=1]
[ass] auto-open
Opening video filter: [screenshot]
Opening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec drvc.dll.
Read the RealVideo section of the DOCS!
VDecoder init failed :(
Opening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder
Selected video codec: [rv30win] vfm: realvid (Win32 RealPlayer 8 RV30)
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
libavcodec version 54.10.100 (internal)
AUDIO: 22050 Hz, 2 ch, floatle, 32.0 kbit/2.27% (ratio: 4005->176400)
Selected audio codec: [ffcook] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg COOK audio)
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
AO: [dsound] 22050Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
[Mixer] No hardware mixing, inserting volume filter.
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
[equalizer] Limiting the number of filters to 9 due to low sample rate.
Starting playback...
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[swscaler @ 02105e80]using unscaled yuv420p -> rgb24 special converter
Opening video filter: [scale]
VO: [direct3d] 320x240 => 320x240 Planar YV12

MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_video
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and
won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.

I hope you guys can help me out!