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screenshot not working v8.2.4791_32 or 64 bit portable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:25 am
by brittney24
I've not had a problem setting a custom screen shot directory / folder & it work, until this build. Though in the past, I've substituted mplayer2 for mplayer. Doubt that mattered for this. I'm now using the portable versions 8.2.4791 - tried both 32 / 64 bit, w/ included mplayer & both had same problem.
Clarify: This v8.2.4791 won't take screens while vid is paused (but all older versions did). It WILL take screens while vid is playing, though that's not much use.

There are 2 entries in smplayer.ini for screenshots.
At beginning of file appears to be default location??: screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots
Note: in one earlier version, the "screenshot_directory=" was blank, & still seemed to take screens fine, w/ a custom location under "screenshot_folder."

After setting custom location for screens in prefs, there's a 2nd entry (along w/ the one above): screenshot_folder=J:\\pics\\Index\\Screens
Slashes & dots are exactly as shown. Seems to be pretty much same as previous versions. Except one older version added 2 back slashes after specified folder: "J:\\....\\Screens\\."

Tried older version still on my PC (that happens to have mplayer2 in it), w/ same custom folder as above - J:\\...\\Screens. The older version (also portable) takes screens fine, during pause.
The setting "use_screenshot" are all =true, in all versions.

Switched out mplayer included in SMP with MPlayer2, dated Jun 5, 2012 from - & it started taking screenshots in pause, as normal. Made no other changes, except pointing SMP to the \mplayer\mplayer2.exe file.

Re: screenshot not working v8.2.4791_32 or 64 bit portable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:56 am
by redxii
It can take screenshots while paused but it won't save it until you press play again.

Re: screenshot not working v8.2.4791_32 or 64 bit portable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:16 am
by brittney24
OK, if you say so. I thought I did press play again, after checking for the screens (that weren't in the folder).

I can try it again, but that begs the question - why does mplayer behave differently in that respect than mplayer2 & differently than just about any other player I can remember taking screenshots with recently?

Seems awkward, because if trying to get a specific frame, take a shot - not quite right - need to advance 1 - 2 frames - why would you want to start playing again, just to look at the shots? Find out they weren't quite right, so have to drag the seek bar back & play, etc., all over again? When the video was nearly where you wanted it to begin with?

Re: screenshot not working v8.2.4791_32 or 64 bit portable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:20 am
by redxii
Well, I tried 0.6.9 / MPlayer r30369, 0.7.0 / MPlayer r33216 and r33216 had been included for a few versions, and tried r33216 with the latest SMPlayer and all had the same behavior I described. If MPlayer was able to do that before then I'm not sure what's causing the regression (if it is a regression).

Re: screenshot not working v8.2.4791_32 or 64 bit portable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:21 pm
by brittney24
Not sure. If mplayer was only able to (for many versions / forever) SAVE taken screens, once play resumes, no idea why it'd intentionally be coded that way. As is, not nearly as useful & "behind" most other players. I'm OK using mplayer2, but would also use mplayer.

Since SMP w/ mplayer2 substituted has no problem saving & displaying "screen shot saved" message during pause -nor many other players - I'd guess mplayer also could, if part of the code is corrected / re written.

It also doesn't show notice at bottom of screen that a shot was taken - when it's taken.
I didn't play w/ it enough to see if it displays the notice of saved shots, after play resumes. By then it's not very noticeable.

It won't matter to those rarely taking screens. If you use it on a semi regular basis, if the 1st screen isn't right, having to re start entire process, getting back to nearly same time location is definitely time consuming.