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Suggestion_SF D/L page names; hilite current URL

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:23 pm
by brittney24
1) On the SF d/l page for stable versions, portable & installer are listed together. On unstable builds, the portables link is "redxii-unstable". Many don't know that redxii maintains the portable versions, so perhaps add "portable versions" or something, to that link title.

2) In SMP 0.8.5 r5449, after you added a URL once to play youtube (or any) vid, when you come back to enter another (especially if copying URL off a NON youtube site), the previous URL in the box should (could) be already high lighted, so can just R click in the box & paste. Now, either have to click that VERY tiny x, to clear it, or drag to high light the entire URL, then delete, then paste new one.

IIRC, if you copy URL off youtube, it's automatically entered, once you click on "add a URL" icon or menu item. Apparently not for other sites.

I know... how much trouble is it to click an (albeit tiny) X? Not much for 1 or 2 URLs. After a while, you start to see how having that field already high lighted (like many similar fields, in browsers, players) is quicker. Making the clear field 'X' a bit larger wouldn't hurt, either. I was using the default theme / skin.
