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r5487-advancing seek can jump far past seek point

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r5487-advancing seek can jump far past seek point

Postby brittney24 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:50 am

smplayer-portable- in Vista x64. Along w/ my other post about it looping at the end of some vids, I noticed on quite a few vids, if I click farther along the seek bar or drag, it may jump WAY ahead. Sometimes 10 - 20 min or more. Definitely reproducible.

Same vids in other SMP versions don't do this, nor does it occur in other players, for same vids.

I checked settings in an older SMP version against this one - seem to be same. I tried at least 4 files, that at certain points would jump ahead of EITHER where I clicked on seek bar, or dragged the button & released. Sometimes it jumps back & forth a bit, from the seek release point, then finds a place to land. Sometimes jumps way ahead.

Seek options selected in all SMP versions:
Seek to position while dragging
Absolute seeking
Precise seeking

These settings have worked well in all past versions. Don't know if it's a setting issue or another that came up in r5487.
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