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Media unloads when it hits the end

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Media unloads when it hits the end

Postby scootergrisen » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:18 pm

When i play a media and it reaces the end i find it annoying that it seems to unload the media.
Like if i search near the end of the medie because i'm looking for something as soon as it hits the end it just stops and the search slider goes to the beginning so i have to press the play button to load the media to do the search again, but it will just happen again.

Also how do you start a media again when it have ended?

In other media players i like just having to press space to play/pause and start the media again.
But the default setting in SMPlayer seems to be that space is only set to play.
Would it not be better to set space to play/pause as default setting?
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