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Suggestions: chapter markers, keep aspect ratio, etc

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Suggestions: chapter markers, keep aspect ratio, etc

Postby justaverageuser » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:01 pm

Some of the nice features that other players have....

1. Option to show chapter markers on the seekbar and a shortcut to jump to next/previous marker position. VLC shows chapter markers when seeking on the seekbar, below the seekbar as little dots, although I wish they made it more conspicuous and did not hide it after the mouse is moved away.

2. When resizing the window, option to keep the aspect ratio of the video so that no black bars would appear either horizontally or vertically. Mpv Media Player works this way by default. Who would want to resize the window so that there are black bars? No one. So, they will adjust the window again any way to fit the window to the video. This is extra work. If the window keeps aspect ratio, there is no need to do this additional resizing.

3. Show the file name of the file currently being played in the file open dialogue. Currently, it just shows "choose a file" which is useless. If it showed the name of current file, it would be easier to choose the next file.

4. When seeking while dragging is enabled, seeking should start from anywhere. I think I have posted about a long time ago, but it was still not fixed in the latest version, 18.5.0. If you click the tiny thumb and then drag it, seeking works. But if you click slightly left/right of the thumb and then start dragging, seeking does not work. If this is not possible due to some UI restriction, at least there should be an option to make the thumb wider.... It is really difficult precisely to click that paper-thin thumb.
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Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:33 pm

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