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HD Videos Opening Offscreen

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HD Videos Opening Offscreen

Postby hurricane51 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:41 am

Windows 10 x64 Pro. Dual monitor with extended desktop. 4K monitors (3840x2160)

I've tried numerous settings but can't seem to solve this problem.

When I open an HD video (1920) by double-clicking in explorer, the window always opens slightly in from the left of one monitor screen and the right hand side of the window is off the screen (extending to the next monitor screen. Even though my desktop is 3840x2160, the video will never open in its native size. I've tried a bunch of setting changes, including the obvious one (Prevent window to get outside of screen). If I close SMplayer when the window is this way, when I launch SMplayer normally, it will remember this position and size even with Autoresize set to Only after loading a new video.

If I launch SMplayer normally and open the file from the Open menu, it works fine.

So what I'm asking is how do I launch videos by double-clicking in Explorer and have the window appear within the confines of the screen?
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Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:14 pm

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