Windows 7, 19.5.0 (revision 9214) (64-bit) portable edition.
How do I create a playlist?
And/or add default file extensions? I have a simple dvr that creates mts files but if too large for file system, creates .mts, .mt1, .mt2, etc. I want smplayer to be the default for them all. I've done it through windows explorer, right click, open with, set default and that works by double clicking on the files, but if I open smplayer and try to see the files, it doesn't know about the .mt# files. I can select all files, but that's more tedious.
And/or, how can I queue up a bunch of files to be played in order (like a playlist but not having to actually create a playlist)?
Hmmm, wondering if this might be a problem with only the portable version???