I tried to install the latest Smplayer to my C400 (866MHz, 512MB, XP SP3) and it objected to half the files. I installed on top of version 8.6.
I was able to install SMplayer 14.9 to a DELL Inspiron 8100 also with XP SP3 and 512 MB, 1000MHz. Both laptops are Pentium III.
Smplayer installed this time. Smtube also installed but when I select Youtube Browser nothing loads.
I was able to play Youtube videos on both computers with Smplayer 8.6. Has the newer version dropped support for Pentium III? Would it help to replace the mplayer with the version from 8.6?
The C400 runs too slowly to play Youtube from within a browser and the 8100 would play at higher resolution without the browser in the way.