I first want to say that SMPlayer is an awesome all-in-one player which I have to say is better than alot of media players out there (such as, VLC and CCCP) , and I have been using this player for a long time now. I ran into a bug recently which I can reproduce everytime in the various desktop environments (DE's).
My system specs are: Linux Mint x86-64 version 17.1 (based on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), 8 GB of RAM, AMD A10-4600M APU, Xorg-ATI open source Radeon video drivers (not AMD proprietary drivers) , "vdpau" and "mpv" set as default in SMPlayer.
After installing SMPlayer 16.7 I noticed that I couldn't open player in some of my DE's such as, IceWM, OpenBox, XFCE. However, I was still able to open it in my default desktop environment KDE version 4.4. I had to downgrade to an earlier version of SMPlayer to have it function in the aforementioned DE's. However, I still don't have screenshot functionality which I lost around v 16.1.
SMPlayer (v16.6 and later) and SMTube don't open in XFCE, IceWM, OpenBox. In addition, the screenshot functionality doesn't work in any of the 16.x versions of SMPlayer.
If you require any more information or debugging info, please let me know and I will do the best I can to accommodate.
Thank you for your time.