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Annoying Playback Issue

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:42 pm
by daplaya
Its probably have been said million times, but I still want somehow to be able to play my backup of DVDs. I have them as ISOs on HDD when I am off grid. I use then USB stick with live distro that has mpv with VAAPi and SMPlayer (although I still have to set it up to use VAAPi -unlike VLC that does it out of the box).

I would like to be able to play my DVDS, because currently I cannot get past menu ("play" is unclickable). Plus before menu appears I have to watch logos and ads for at least 5 minutes (unlike VLC that skips them and immediately goes to the movie).

I don't want to use VLC and I cannot install it on live distro because I am off grid. I could use another USB with VLC AppImg, but that will have no VAAPi wich will annoy me to the core and I will have to carry another USB thumb for just VLC. I could also change that USB stick into live with persistance, but my daily driver is another distro and I do not have USB Live installer from the original distro to install it with persistance. Plus I do not want persistance anyway, not to mention all that "rufuses" suck and they don't work nor give me bootloading options, so its completely out of question.

Smplayer playback of DVDs
Smplayer straight to the movie withoutl logos and ads

How can I achieve this. Its just menu, because Smplayer/mpv can play mpeg2. And those DVDs don't even have libdvdcss so its not an issue.

I don't want to use another live distro that has VLC by defaul, because they suck. I want to use SMplayer. Period.

Can you help me?

Re: Annoying Playback Issue

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:51 pm
by rvm
SMPlayer doesn't support DVD menus. You have to select a title in the menu Browse -> Title.