My question is in the ropic - try to find a normal FAQ on SM player. The one which would explain menu settings (which do not seeem to change with time at all...)
Like, what is that quality number (1 to 6) on video page? What about the filters on same page? Cache, how to configure it better? Etc, almost all options say nothing if you just read them. And no explanations on them, how can you set up the player?
SM PLayer doesn't work good even on quite ok machine now. Media Player Classic works flawless, SM player always tears picture or slows down or something else. I only stick to it because of it's keyboard key usage functionality. Otherwise - little settings which say nothing and also seem to do nothing and pretty poor perfomance after all. Why not making normal FAQ and tell people what those settings mean, and how to configure them so player actually play. Smooth.
Also, if there's any particular codec pack is recommended, would be nice to know too.
Just want to know what all those settings mean.