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SMPlayer Support Forum • View topic - Interlace toggle, doesn't...

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Interlace toggle, doesn't...

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Interlace toggle, doesn't...

Postby TT1 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:24 pm

I have added the Yadif (normal) Deinterlace toggle to the floating control toolbar. It works okay to toggle it on, but it doesn't toggle off. Also, the Toggle Deinterlacing doesn't seem to do anything at all from the floating toolbar.

Re: Interlace toggle, doesn't...

Postby rvm » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:46 am

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Re: Interlace toggle, doesn't...

Postby TT1 » Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:18 pm

I assigned "Toggle Deinterlacing" to the floating toolbar. When I click it, there is no indication that anything happens .. there is no 'permanent' change in the button color, no hesitation or restart of the video, nothing. If I select any deinterlacing method from the Rt-click pull-down menu, there's an obvious application of the filter, unlike when clicking Toggle Deinterlacing on the bar. I assumed that Toggle Deinterlacing would turn deinterlacing on and off, based on whatever deinterlace method is previously selected? Am I mistaken about this?

The other filters I use .. Mono, Deblock, Software Scaling and Mono, along with Toggle Deinterlacing and Yadif have no icons associated with them, only text. Consequently, assigning them all to the toolbar along with the other function buttons isn't practical because of the limited space on the bar.

Adding "Deinterlace None" in order to 'toggle' the Yadif filter off reeeally adds to the difficulty. Is there a way that the deinterlace filters could be changed to 'toggles' like most of the other filter buttons?

Re: Interlace toggle, doesn't...

Postby rvm » Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:05 am

The yadif deinterlace option is meant to work together with the rest of options in the deinterlace menu. Only one option can be checked. If you checked the yadif deinterlace it can't be unchecked by clicking on it, the only way is to select another option.

You can add to the toolbar the action "deinterlace_menu". That adds the whole menu, so you can turn off the yadif deinterlace by selecting "none".
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Re: Interlace toggle, doesn't...

Postby TT1 » Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:46 am

I didn't see that option in the menu. It works great. Thanks!

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