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Some questions about smplayer\smtube(new user)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:44 am
by vsub
I'm long time MplayerWW user but smplayer look nice and has youtube support but there are few things I'm missing(and there are some problems)from MPlayerWW(is there is some way to enable them or they really don't exist)

1.I've always been using an osd(top left)to display the remaining time and the clock

2.If SMPlayer is closed to the tray,using any of the right click tray menus to open a file,it will not show the smlayer window when the file is started

3.If you start a file like above,pressing the key assigned to switch to compact mode,will do nothing when until another file is started or you stop=>play the current

4.It remembers the last window size(even tho the option is disabled)of the played file...start a video=>maximize the window=>stop the video.Now when you restore the window(unmaximize it)the window size will the the exact same size as the maximize window...the same goes to start a video=>maximize=>go full screen and exit=>unmaximize(the window size will be the same as maximized)

5.If the window is set to always on top(while playing),the window will close=>show the window once if something else is active and twice if the desktop is kinda bothers me(mplayerww don't flash at all at file change\replay)

6.Is there is a way to hide the taskbar button(I prefer tray icon only)

7.The OSD in mplayerww is always above the video(in the black borders part)and auto sized.

8.The mousewheel is set to control the media seek but it acts kinda weird when the mouse if over the seek,not over the video it's +/- one second(it's set to jump +/- 10 seconds) can't seek using the mouse if "Hide video window when playing audio files" is enabled and the audio don't have album art.
You could say that if that option is enabled and switching between audio without art<=>audio with art and video=>audio with art and some other cases,you'll get all kind of weird window sizes.

9.I may be wrong but wasn't there a way to repeat a single file from the playlist?

10.The player have the ability to remember the last played file position like mplayerww but mplayerww ask you if you want to jump to the last position when you double click on the same file or start the player from the exe.

11.And when I'm updating to newer portable version,how exactly to update to keep all of my settings,playlist and so on