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Release audio driver on pause

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:23 am
by teodor
Hi there,

Let me first say that I really love SMPlayer, especially now with MPV support. :-)

I have one question about the audio driver. I only use a dedicated soundcard for audio production which I run with an ASIO driver (not multi-client) in my DAW .
Sometimes this leads to a "conflict" when I have SMPlayer open and paused and I'm trying to load the ASIO driver in my DAW. SMPlayer releases the driver in stop
mode so there is no problem in that case. So my question is: is there any way to release the audio driver when pausing SMPlayer? Or some workaround besides
setting the the audio output to e.g "null"?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have... :-)

Re: Release audio driver on pause

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:58 pm
by rvm
SMPlayer doesn't load or release the audio driver. That's done by mplayer/mpv, so maybe you should ask for this feature to their developers.

Re: Release audio driver on pause

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:45 am
by teodor
Thanks for the reply! :-)

Yes, I had a look at the MPV manual and it looks like it would require a feature request for the MPV developers.
I thought about it a bit more though, and I think there's a much better to keep the position which is the goal,
besides releasing the audio driver for other apllications.

Now we can simply stop the video (and release the driver) and it'll pick up the last position on next play start.
That is great, but not accurate if you've paused the video on a spesific frame. This might be too much of a
feature request, but would it be possible to implement a function to insert a marker on the paused frame and
a "jump to marker" command to get back to that position whenever that is needed (until the video is closed)?
That would be a great timesaver and extremely helpful in many situations.