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A few small issues...
Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:00 am
by newuser101
I'm a new user of SMPlayer, and have found it works pretty well on my old machine running Windows 7. I have just a few small issues.
First, the Playlist. Suppose there are 20 videos on the list and you start by clicking the 10th video. If you then click the Next button, the video that starts next is the 1st video on the list, not the 11th, as one would expect. So it appears that no matter where you begin on the list after the 1st video, clicking Next will simply take you back to the 1st video. Is there some way to get around this?
Second, is there an option to allow one to continually cycle through the list so that when the last video on the list is played, clicking Next takes you to the 1st video?
Third, a non-Playlist problem. Every video (with rare exceptions) starts twice. That is, the video starts, plays for a few seconds, and then the screen blanks and flashes a couple of times; then the video starts from the beginning again and plays on through. It's a kind of stutter and then a start-over. Anybody else seeing this behavior?
Re: A few small issues...
Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:11 pm
by rvm
Re: A few small issues...
Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:03 pm
by newuser101
Thanks very much, rvm! The "Repeat" button was a no-brainer--I just didn't see it. My oversight. And skipping the loop filter for HD videos appears to have cured the stuttering start problem. Two out of three ain't bad!
As for the Playlist starting from the beginning problem, it still does that. And I've also seen now that if you hit the Back button no matter where you are in the list, the video that begins is the last video on the list. There doesn't seem to be any way around this for me. Puzzling.
Much obliged for the quick response!
Re: A few small issues...
Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:16 pm
by newuser101
Ah, I think I see what the Playlist problem was. When you start a video by dragging and dropping from an open directory, that video becomes the first video on the Playlist of videos in the directory. The rest of the videos in the directory get numbered from 2 to whatever, below the video that was dragged and dropped. So when you hit the Next button, the second video on the list is the first video in the directory.
If I open the Playlist window and select a video from down the list in the Playlist window (not in the open directory), then the Next button takes me to the next video in the directory, as one would expect. So I see now that just dragging and dropping from a directory without opening the Playlist window is always going to produce the behavior I was seeing. I guess it would be nice if the order in the directory took precedence over the order in the Playlist--that is, if a video is dragged and dropped onto SMPlayer, that video is given the number that corresponds to its position in the directory instead of being placed first on the Playlist. But that's something that can be worked around, I guess.
Thanks again, rvm!
Re: A few small issues...
Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:18 am
by newuser101
After a bit of looking around, I notice that GOM Player has the kind of behavior that I was looking for in SMPlayer. If you drag and drop a video onto GOM Player, the playlist automatically puts it in its proper order within its directory, not at the top of the list. This allows the Next button to open the next video after the one dragged and dropped, and so on.
Any chance something like that could be implemented in SMPlayer?
Re: A few small issues...
Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:59 am
by newuser101
A different issue. As I've been using SMPlayer for a while now, I'm noticing that on most videos, there are ongoing problems with minor pixelation. The image will be clear and then over a span of a few seconds it will gradually pixelize in some areas of the screen, then it will suddenly snap back into focus, the pixelized areas disappear. But then over the next few seconds, they return. This goes on during the entire video. I've tried every output driver on the list, and there's no difference. Anybody else seeing anything like this?
Re: A few small issues...
Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:15 am
by rvm
I'm not sure, but be sure that the "loop filter" in preferences -> performance is enabled.
Re: A few small issues...
Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:06 am
by newuser101
I had skipped the loop filter entirely (see earlier problem). Now I'm using the loop filter except on HD videos. I do see an improvement. Thanks!
By the way, I like SMPlayer a lot. Except for that Playlist thing, it's the best player I've found for use on my older machine. Keep up the great work!