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SMPlayer is paused, but thinks it isn't...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:42 am
by newuser101

An odd problem that has happened at unpredictable times over the past couple of weeks. I drag-and-drop a video onto SMPlayer and the video doesn't start, even though the Pause button hasn't been clicked. If I click the Pause button, the display says "Pause", but if I then hit the Play button, the "Pause" message disappears but the video still doesn't start to play. If I move the slider to a different position in the video, there is a 1-frame step, and then there is pause.

Any help for this?


Re: SMPlayer is paused, but thinks it isn't...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:11 pm
by rvm
What version are you using? What OS?

Re: SMPlayer is paused, but thinks it isn't...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:12 am
by newuser101
OS is Windows 7 SP1, and the version of SMPlayer experiencing the freezes was the latest stable release.

After doing some more experimenting, I'm suspecting that the problem lies in some sort of bad interaction between SMPlayer and my audio card's driver. I noticed that if I change the audio codec, the video will start to play. But then it has happened that the next video freezes again, and I have to try another audio codec. Just the changing of the codec seems to help. But not even that process worked every time, so last night I found a different driver for my audio card and installed it. I also installed the latest (unstable) release of SMPlayer. So far, I haven't had a freeze. I'm hoping the problem is resolved. If I again get a freeze, I'll post here.

Thanks for the response!