Version 0.8.2:
* New option Help -> Open configuration folder.
* Don't use slices as default, as it seems to cause problems when using multiple threads.
* (Windows) When a new version is run for the first time it tries to create a font cache before showing the GUI. Avoids that the font cache would be created when the user plays the first video.
* (Windows) Don't change the priority of the smplayer process. Fixes a freeze that may happen on windows xp when you click on the video window.
* Don't use -fontconfig with mplayer2.
* Port the umplayer skins to smplayer.
* Bug fix: stop playback when the user selects to play the next item in the playlist and there are no more items to play.
* Move the main window by dragging in the video area. Code copied from umplayer.
* Add support for 6.1 and 7.1 audio output. Patch by AdrianoML (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5655)
* Add new section "Privacy" in Preferences -> Interface.
* Move max. items for recent files to the privacy section.
* Add an option to remember or not the last directories.
* Add an option to select the maximum number of items in the Open->URL dialog.
* (Linux) Install larger icons. smplayer.svg contributed by akovia (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5557)
* Add the option "Report MPlayer crashes" in Preferences -> Advanced.
* New option for smplayer.ini: time_to_kill_mplayer. Specifies the time (in milliseconds) that smplayer should wait before killing the mplayer process if the process doesn't teminate on its own when the stop button is pressed. Default value: 5000.