Re: Changes in SMPlayer 17.1
Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:02 am
by helamsirrine
I have been a user of SMPlayer on Linux and briefly on windows since Ubuntu 10.04, and have been an advocate for it as I think it is a great product. I would like to request that the 'delete file from disk' playlist context come back. I work a job where I do not have access to the internet, but I do have access to my laptop. I youtube-dl large playlists of files to be watched offline which I have no interest in archiving. As soon as those short videos have been watched, they go in the trash. Without that context option to delete files, I must open my file manager and delete the videos from there. Sometimes, the SMPlayer playlist alphebtized list organizes the files differently (e.g. punctuation, numerals) than Caja (file manager) which leaves me toggling back and forth between the playlist window and the file manger reading filenames to find the right file in a long playlist. I'm fine with the one file at a time w/ verification limit to prevent accidental deletions. The delete feature has never bitten me. However, not having it has already bitten me twice now since the update, both with a deletion of some unwatched files and by not deleting watched files before downloading a new batch and losing them in the new merged alphabetical playlist. That delete context was a very nice option for managing large playlists of disposable files. I understand it's removal to make room for new features, but I don't think the addition of a single context menu Item would hurt anything, and I would find it's inclusion to be very useful. Thanks.