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Forum to talk about the development of SMPlayer (code, patches...).


Postby tempcomment2 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:35 pm

A couple of suggestions if you want to become a player people prefer...IMHO

-place a "Repeat" button on the main face so we don't have to dig through menus.
Sometimes a new version is loaded and repeat is on by default.

-Ensure your player does not stay on top of other windows when we click the window underneath,
having to minimize every time is annoying

-Use the "ESC" button to go back to default player window when in full screen.

- Have a "suggestion" box or link in the "about" section. It is too cumbersome to register into a forum to ask for missing functions.



Re: Suggestions

Postby angrylittlebird » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:58 am

Another problem is to fix the conflict between SMplayer and realplayer.

sometimes, i play videos in realplayer, then I follow it by playing it with smplayer, and there is no sound!
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:56 am

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