I'm currently running SMplayer version .69 and while I love it, my one gripe is that not all videos will resize to fit my 1920x1080 resolution. From what I can tell there is no option for SMplayer at least under the windows version to stretch to fill the screen. I can achieve the desired effect if I right click and adjust the aspect ratio and then change it back to auto, but if I do this in full screen and exit to the desktop it will revert the video back to it's inherent aspect ratio same if I change the aspect ratio in non full screen and attempt to enter full screen. So I've come here to attempt to find the answer that is eluding me, because this feature was something I took for granted in VLC.
System Specs
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Radeon 5850 Catalyst 10.6 (ccc not installed)
intel chipset