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SMPlayer Support Forum • View topic - Downloading YouTube

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Downloading YouTube

Problems, bugs, suggestions... anything related to SMPlayer.

Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby instargazer » Wed May 21, 2014 8:54 pm

So, what one may do with SMPlayer is:

1. Go to YouTube and copy the URL (Full address) of the video they wish to download and save.
2. Launch the YouTube browser from within the SMPlayer.
3. Paste (Ctrl+V) the URL in the SMPlayer, YouTube browser Search box and hit [Enter] on their keyboard.
4. That video link will be the only listing in the SMPlayer, YouTube browser.
5. Right click on that listing.
6. Select [Record video] from the popup menu.
7. The video will record and place the file in the Youtube folder by default.
8. Select [Open folder] which will display the location of the file and the file.
9. One may then use it as any other video file on their computer.

My, but there is a lot 'hidden' in your player.


I hope bawldiggle sees this.

Thanks! :D

Oh... What was the "svn r6217" thing?
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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby rvm » Wed May 21, 2014 9:19 pm

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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby instargazer » Wed May 21, 2014 9:40 pm

So, from a DOS window one would enter the code you posted (Sun May 04, 2014 6:38 pm ET) to download a video from Youtube?

I kinda like the way I was just able to download per your instructions. It worked perfectly albeit after I was prompted to update something to do with Youtube in the SMPlayer.

Cheers, kudos, nice work... What more can I say? I was able to achieve my quest per your SMPlayer. :D
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Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 5:12 pm

Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby bawldiggle » Sat May 24, 2014 1:13 am

@ instargazer :)

Good clear answer for this newbie. Thank you

@ rvm :)
Thank you for considering my request and escalating it into action.
Is there any way of receiving advice when the upgrade is released ?

Is SMPlayer limited to YouTube only ?
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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby seattle.cj » Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:35 am

Just wanted to express how grateful I am for this awesome product, and for all the hard work that goes into its ongoing development -- grateful and frankly kind of astounded, both at how quickly it's evolving and how responsive you've been to user feedback. There are a number of otherwise great software tools for whom dozens of passionate forum users have been ignored, for years on end, as they've begged for some very, very obvious features. (Not to single anybody out, but-- oh, what the hell, let's single out the especially obnoxious examples of those gorgeous-but-infuriating divas at Evernote, Plex, utorrent...)

Anyway, I never thought I'd see a youtube url downloader from the (non-Unix) command line -- that's amazingly useful. And right-click, "download audio" is something I've often wished I could do, too, when hunting for sound or music clips. Thanks so much for that and for everything else!

Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby bawldiggle » Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:42 am

Finally got cmd to work. :)
I had to include the full path to "smtube.exe" in the cmd expression (no spaces in the path)
- I do not use default C:/Program Files/ to install programs
- I installed SMPlayer in my custom folder "C:\Programs2\SMPlayer"
To confuse novices cmd window prints an error message in the cmd window which is misleading (but that is MS cmd window for you)
- SMPlayer's YouTube browser is minimized in the taskbar
- YouTube browser is in SMPlayer > Options > YouTube browser

cmd-result.PNG (5.61 KiB) Viewed 2602 times

Some YouTube URLs simply don't work resulting in a message "Could not locate YouTube server"
- other URLs to same video would work (a little frustrating to start)
- update of YouTube made no difference to failures

Similar experience with SMPlayer UI (smplayer.exe)
- some URLs simply do nothing, not listed on "YouTube Browser"
- but a other URLs to same video would work

Some trial and error to get the hang of the steps.

Instargazer's was easiest of UI method to follow. :D

YouTube also block some videos (copyright) which is not SMPlayer's fault
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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby rvm » Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:42 am

I've just added (svn r6255) a button in the youtube browser that allows to enter a youtube URL to be downloaded.

smtube.png (133.18 KiB) Viewed 2600 times

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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby bawldiggle » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:54 am

Hi rvm :)

I did check for updates, and assumed there were no changes (I have 14.3.0)

Thank you for the notification about svn r6255 ... and your efforts with SMPlayer
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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby bawldiggle » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:03 am

Can new SMPlayer- ... overwrite the existing installed SMPlayer. ?
Or does the older version have to be uninstalled first ?

Thank you :)
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Re: Downloading YouTube

Postby bawldiggle » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:42 am

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