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New SMTube: first public version

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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:39 am


i all sudden getting this message w VERY VIDEO i try to view or download im using Q5
i click link to play or dl it keeps coming up
should i go back to Q4
i also noticed Q5 has NO sound when checking you tube code or check version it doesnt make the windows chime went back to Q4 sound is back

is Q4 bit more stable? as for the Q4 issue w the player covering my web page menu it seems my cootmaster bat isnt affected i created
i might just use that i can ALMOST click the === in menu click MY PAGE but that screen is in the way
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby redxii » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:55 am

Go back to the Qt4 version for now.
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:31 pm

ok did
looks Q5 too un stable w missing sound and its not grabbing the url
ill live w the vidio issue
whats causing it not be grabbed
or missing sound

thx redxii
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:09 pm

rvm or red
w NEW smtube setup do you know of way to get the mp3 or extract just the sound
i know software like atube catcher can, but w the changes its broken and avast again took it out after a week. both the software and the exe on H drive. Probably another false positive. i could go back to old version but w everything broken doesnt make it worth it.
also atube was GOOD but alot features are broken or are in smtube/smplayer or not needed.
like converting downloading screen capture audio extract audio record. MOST i can do w audacity or my iwisoft converter and smtube
making atube bit too bulky. do you have idea how strip out the video and which to add to smtube catcher OPEN WITH
i do know the uGet i used can select save as MP3, MP4, AVI, MPG, WMV, WAV or 3GP. i know not whole list but id would use my iwisoft for that.\
one other might be OPEN w browser then use ffirefox plugs and select save as mp3
any other software you would recommend for mp3
which is small and light like a uget zip? I dont think uget can save as mp3 or can it.
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby rvm » Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:56 am

With smtube (open audio with uget) you can get the audio file, but it's not in mp3 format. If you really need it in mp3 you have to use another application to convert it.
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:16 am

ok thx ill use my uGet save as mp3 or firefox plug :D
if im not lazy illl convert
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby GeneBenson » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:50 am

This works in Linux. I don't know about Windows. Perhaps there is something equivalent. You need to have ffmpeg installed. Then in smtube:

Name: youtube-dl-a
Executable: xfce4-terminal
Parameters: -e "youtube-dl %u -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 128K --prefer-ffmpeg"
This player supports video sites: checked

This will download the file, extract and convert the audio to mp3, and then delete the original file. Works fine for me.
Just to be complete, I have a youtube-dl config file with the -o parameter in it which determines the download location and file name format. If you aren't using this then you should add the -o parameter in the "Parameters" line above.
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:50 pm

i have w7

i figured out as long as you ucheck the box DELETE DOWNLOAD FILE
it wil automatically delete mp4 after done

and watched my folder
it had a mp3 and mp4
after i heard the complete chime
the mp4 disappeared

basically what i did
1 search w smtube finds video
2 open with uGet opens uGet exe
3COPY url cipies url to clip board and auto sets the correct hash for the video
4 select the download convection mp3 avi etc see picture YOU CAN SELECT more than ONE like avi and mp3 or one or other as needed
5 uncheck box delete downloaded file if not needed usually mp4
6 click OK and wait for mp4 to dl and convert , convert is usually 30 seconds to a min
7 you have completed selected file and delete mp4 if needed
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby rvm » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:56 pm

Version r7013 includes a new and experimental code. Now smtube can find out the signature function on its own, it doesn't need to get it from yt.js. That means that it shouldn't be necessary to use the function "update the youtube code" anymore.
However, if for some reason it fails to find the function, it will still use yt.js as fallback.

The signature function is cached in the file sig.ini in the smtube folder.
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Re: New SMTube: first public version

Postby cootmaster » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:10 pm

does smplayer do it too?
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