The config: HP i5 Windows 7, Smplayer 17.4.0 x64, Shark007 drivers set at recommended
The problem: Mkv h.264 files 1920x1080 run at between 20-30% processor, but drive temperatures for CPU and GPU into mid-80s C, spiking at high 80s and low 90s. Mkvs at 1280x720 produce slightly lower temperatures. MP4s run into 70s but never into 80s. Same files playing on older i5 duo Dell laptop run into 30 plus percent of processor, and high 70 C temperatures (also Win 7 SMplayer 17.4.0 plus Shark 007 codecs with default settings).
The question: Can I use SMplayer settings to throttle resource load to reduce temperatures? If so, what settings?