This is under a minimalist 64 bit, Ubuntu 18.04 (the current LTS version), built from the mini.iso (bare bones CLI system) with X, Openbox, lightdm, and no further DE - sort of like Lubuntu on a diet. Latest version of smplayer from the native repo, which is 18.2.2 (revision 8937).
Is it possible to add the missing tool bar icons? For example, I created
which is 8.7 kiB. But that button still has no icon and shows up on toolbars as a long string of text.
Can't have many buttons when some of them are that big. So is there either a way to make it take my icon or to change the text string used by the button? I'm looking for a generic solution because there are half a dozen iconless buttons that aren't practical to use for that reason.